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  1. Board of Aldermen Meeting

    Board of Aldermen | Page | 08/17/76 06:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Tuesday, August 17, 1976- 6:00pm Meeting Minutes Image Slideshow ... Display Contact Info Block Web Page Board of Aldermen Meeting Sort A to Z ... 72 MINUTES — PETAL, MISS. the report on the revised plans from Southern Systems and would report on ... business, the meeting was adjourned on this the 3rd day of August, A. D., 1976.. 441$? U mer Byr, Ma or ... meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Petal, Mississippi, at 7:30 P. M., August 17, ...

  2. Board of Aldermen Meeting

    Board of Aldermen | Page | 03/22/93 06:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Monday, March 22, 1993- 6:00pm Meeting Minutes Image Slideshow ... Display Contact Info Block Web Page Board of Aldermen Meeting Sort A to Z ... CITY OF PETAL MINUTE BOOK I3 PAGE 569 BE IT REMEMBERED THERE WAS BEGUN AND HELD A SPECIAL MEETING ... COUNCIL IN SESSION. THE NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING WITH HIS RETURN WAS PRESENTED FOR FILING BY CHIEF WAYNE ... MURPHY. THE NOTICE READ AS FOLLOWS TO-WIT: NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING Please be advised that a special ...

  3. Board of Aldermen Meeting

    Board of Aldermen | Page | 09/27/01 06:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Thursday, September 27, 2001- 6:00pm Meeting Minutes Image ... Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Board of Aldermen Meeting Sort A to Z ... PETAL PAGE 539 MINUTE BOOK 20 EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING Please be advised that a special ... Special Meeting. H 944 ~7cs&7 by;’9)\ »3C:/J’ CITY OF PETAL MINUTE BOOK 20 PAGE 540 ��lh��bh6�q� ... CITY OF PETAL PAGE 537 MINUTE BOOK 20 BE IT REMEMBERED THAT THERE WAS BEGUN AND HELD A SPECIAL ...

  4. Board of Aldermen Meeting

    Board of Aldermen | Page | 12/12/05 06:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Monday, December 12, 2005- 6:00pm Meeting Minutes Image Slideshow ... Display Contact Info Block Web Page Board of Aldermen Meeting Sort A to Z ... CITY OF PETAL 263 MINUTE BOOK 25 BE IT REMEMBERED THAT THERE WAS BEGUN AND HELD A SPECIAL MEETING ... r CARL SCOTT MAYOR CITY OF PETAL 256 MINUTE BOOK 25 EXHIBIT “A” NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING Please be ... CALLED ON THE PHONE PRIOR TO THE SPECIAL MEETING. THE NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING WAS PRESENTED FOR FILING. ...

  5. Board of Aldermen Meeting

    Board of Aldermen | Page | 10/02/06 06:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Monday, October 2, 2006- 6:00pm Meeting Minutes Image Slideshow ... Display Contact Info Block Web Page Board of Aldermen Meeting Sort A to Z ... CITY OF PETAL 299 MINUTE BOOK 26 BE IT REMEMBERED THAT THERE WAS BEGUN AND HELD A SPECIAL MEETING ... VOTING “NAY” CITY OF PETAL 301 MINUTE BOOK 26 NONE THEREBEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE SPECIAL MEETING OF ... MINUTE BOOK 26 EXHIBIT “A" NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING Please be advised that a special meeting of the ...

  6. Board of Aldermen Meeting

    Board of Aldermen | Page | 06/04/74 06:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Tuesday, June 4, 1974- 6:00pm Meeting Minutes Image Slideshow ... Display Contact Info Block Web Page Board of Aldermen Meeting Sort A to Z ... meeting, it was ordered adjourned on this, the 21st day of May, A. D., 1974. Minutes read and approved 4th ... invocation was offered by Alderman, Charles Z. Stevens. The minutes of the regular meeting held May 21, 1974, ... MINUTES — PETAL, MISS. Mitchell Curry, chairman of the committee for designing a City Seal, ...

  7. Board of Aldermen Meeting

    Board of Aldermen | Page | 06/10/74 06:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Monday, June 10, 1974- 6:00pm Meeting Minutes Image Slideshow ... Display Contact Info Block Web Page Board of Aldermen Meeting Sort A to Z ... statement on the matter. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was ordered MINUTES ... session. The invocation was offered by Alderman, W. H. Clearman. The minutes of the regular meeting held ... MINUTES — PETAL, MISS. Alderman. Those present and voting "Aye": W. H. Clearman Mitchell ...

  8. Board of Aldermen Meeting

    Board of Aldermen | Page | 06/18/74 06:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Tuesday, June 18, 1974- 6:00pm Meeting Minutes Image Slideshow ... Display Contact Info Block Web Page Board of Aldermen Meeting Sort A to Z ... invocation was offered by Alderman, W. H. Clearman. The minutes of the meeting held June 18, 1974, were read ... MINUTES — FETAL, MISS. Minutes read and approved 18th day of June, A. D., 1974. ULMER BYRD, éayort ... City Clerk BE IT REMEMBERED that there was begun and held a regular meeting of the Mayor and Aldermen ...

  9. Board of Aldermen Meeting

    Board of Aldermen | Page | 06/15/76 06:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Tuesday, June 15, 1976- 6:00pm Meeting Minutes Image Slideshow ... Display Contact Info Block Web Page Board of Aldermen Meeting Sort A to Z ... offered by Charles A. Sumrall. The minutes of the meeting held June 1, 1976, were read by Susan B. Smith. ... Sumrall. The minutes of the meeting held June l5, 1976, were read by Susan S. Smith. THEREUPON, Alderman W. ... 22 MINUTES — FETAL, MISS. THEREUPON, there being no further business, Alderman W. H. Clearman made ...

  10. Board of Aldermen Meeting

    Board of Aldermen | Page | 01/02/79 06:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Tuesday, January 2, 1979- 6:00pm Meeting Minutes Image Slideshow ... Display Contact Info Block Web Page Board of Aldermen Meeting Sort A to Z ... offered by Bobby W. Runnels. The minutes of the regular meeting of December 19, 1978, and the recessed ... MINUTES — Petal. Mississippi —-.—-—m...—:-.—.-1..“ BE IT REMEMBERED that there was begun and held ... a regular meet- ing of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Petal, Mississippi, in the Board Room ...
